Sunday, February 15, 2009

"It's a Fight between You and Yourself"

Hey guys,

I am back and today i am posting my first blog of the year 2009.I was a little busy with studies but i know that's an excuse because we hardly study relevant things.
Today for a change i will write something different and will keep myself away from me.In all the prior writings of mine ,i somehow showed my self centered approach but today i will talk about the conundrum which is there in everybody's life .

Right from childhood ,right from the birth we are being forced to compete with our fellow Childhood friends. Our parents used to say "hey that kid is looking cute,he/she always follows his/her parents but our child is so naughty and never do what we ask him to do". When we grow up and comes in school/Colleges,We are being told to compete with our fellow class mates and also to compete with our neighbors and also to compete with Family Friend's sons and daughters. And during this process we start taking this competition as the sole agenda and our life and we start measuring success on this basis.

There is no harm in competing with others but it becomes a curse when we give prime importance to this and only this and in the process forgets that there is somebody else also with whom you have to compete and that person is "YOU". Everyday we have to fight and that fight is with your true Self. Prime importance should be given to this fight and all other fights will fall in place by themselves.

We should start improving ourselves moment by moment,day by day and year by year to compete in this world( The world is not enough :-)). And this is possible only when we have a motive to live and that only motive will lead us to the path of success but the problem with most of us is that we don't have a motive.We take life as it comes and in the process blew away with the wind and our life then depends on in which direction the wind is flowing rather than where we want the wind to flow.

If we flew away with the wind ,then this will be shortest and the easiest path but mind you Success doesn't come cheap. "Success always comes up with a "Price tag"And this price tag is the price of the hard work that we have to do to earn it. The motive of ours should be the base of our life not the competition.

In the end i just wanna quote this " A leaf which falls from a tree goes wherever wind takes it.Be the wind to drive others,not the leaf to be Driven by others"


Anonymous said...

hey...nice one...iyts very realistic and motivational...this a facts that most of forget very often...thnx for reminding us..keep bloging

Koni S. said...

Good one. I agree with this. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Niks, u r jus getting better n better by each blog...
this blog is sooo realistic... guess more n more ppl shud read this one...

Ravi Ramrakhyani said...

I agree to what has been said by Nicks...Self Discipline is far better and surpasses all the benefits of Force Discipline.

I also believe competition is the sole motivational factor in our life which lead us to create our own path of success.

Hence Nicks keep writing and Keep Motivating me and others with your thoughts.

GKK said...

Really gd one, itni asha nahi thi. I relly like the line that Most of us don't have motive. its truly inspiring.. said...

I guess your hard work and aspirations can take you a long way. Liked your concept and the way you have written. Keep it up !!

Unknown said...

nice one nikks,its very imp to stand in our own eyes rather than others....thanks for showing right direction of wind....:)