Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fun Quotient @ IIM K though unorthodox

Hi Friends,

Here i am in front of you all again for the new season of my MBA.I spent almost one year in one of the most beautiful campuses in India.I will share my views and experience of the past one year of my MBA.
Exactly one year back,I joined IIM K with so many aspirations and full of energy which is unmatched and unparalleled  even till now. How Enthuthiastic we were at that time,i only can imagine at the moment.We a group of around 50 people were called for Preparation batch for English and Math classes but m still doubtful whether anybody learned anything in those classes though i am pretty much sure that i unlearned some of my fundas in those classes :-P.We had a maximum of one class during that one week and in the spare time we used to visit places and play volleyball on a pretty risky and customized court with full of risk involved in playing balls.

                     One fine evening we all were playing volleyball as always and that day some Unwanted things happened.A notorious chap named Dhruv while playing a shot couldn't resist falling freely from a decent height just to make the ball cross the other side and for no reward or prize money :-) .and when we reached the spot where he fell down,we were shocked to see him lying down and making some serious noises.We were feeling helpless and as we were new to college,We called our seniors to help us out and book a taxi so that we can take him to a hospital. Luckily , though that guy has been unlucky all throughout his first year,was operated on time. And our chances of visiting Wayanad beach on weekend went in vain. And we till today are striving hard to visit that place.
                                                              After that busy fun filled week,the real fun began in the subsequent weeks which followed that first week. Those weeks included official ragging by seniors,Hostel ragging and lot many parties and in the spared time we studied very little and took studies as secondary which should have been the obvious primary choice.
I will take you through my first year at IIM K in my subsequent posts to follow.
 till then good bye and enjoy life !!!

4 comments: said...

Gud piece of work Nik !

GKK said...

well described first year dude, keep it up :)

Vidya said...

seems u r having the best days of ur life thr, dude!! cntinue njoying ;)

Ankit Agarwal said...

Nice one... but since when did Wayanad become a beach !!